Friday 14 October 2005

Specstacular or speculiar?

People can be afflicted with all sorts of disabilities or impairments, some of which can bring about severe handicap. A common affliction is poor vision, and people can be either long- or shortsighted to varying degrees of impairment. This can require correction through wearing glasses, contact lenses or even surgery.

I love long-sighted people; they really make me laugh. Not only do they have to hold pieces of paper at arms' length to read, which is hilarious in itself, they also look fucking ridiculous in specs:




What's even better is when you get somebody who REALLY longsighted in one eye, but quite normal in the other - especially if they have a squint in their bad eye too. This isn't much fun if you're being interviewed for a job by somebody with this appearance because a) you don't know which eye to look at, and b) it's hard to contain your laughter.

This may seem a bit cruel and it is indeed completely unacceptable to take the piss out of people because of their disabilities. To even things up, take a look here.

Being visually impaired myself, I know only too well that the choosing the right pair of glasses is serious business. Potentially, your specs are the only item that you wear every single day of your life, so they have to be up to the task. After years of suffering from rubbish glasses, I finally got a pair that I liked and have stuck with for the past 5 years. Something nice and subtle that suits the (changing) shape of my face, hair colour, complexion - that's what's called for. What I really cannot stand is when people make a feature of their glasses, especially if they're famous. Here are two people I'd gladly slap:



Given all that fame and wealth, why would anybody choose glasses like these? Wearing specs that were traditionally piss-take fodder says something about the wearer. It says, "Look at me, I'm being ironic, yet challenging stereotypes because I'm wearing specs that you'd laugh at on a normal person, but I'm using my fame and wealth to show that I don't care". No, and I don't care for your music, Jarvis, or your broadcasting abilities, Chris. You're both a pair of cocks.

Another thing that makes you question Why, oh why do they do it? is the use of photochromatic lenses in specs.

But it's not even sunny!

Reactolite, transitions, reactions, whatever you want to call them, they're a bit daft. Theoretically, these are a good idea: they go dark when it's sunny and it saves the wearer switching to their prescription sunglasses. However, they also go dark when the wearer is sat next to a window, if their computer screen is a bit too bright and on days when "normal people" wouldn't even consider wearing sunglasses, rendering the user ridiculed by people who fall about laughing at their inappropriate use of shades. This used to be particularly funny when these lenses first became available because it used to take about half an hour before they'd go clear again.

Oh what fun we had, laughing at our collegemates.

An edit for Coldsore

Tina Warwick lab 1994

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