Thursday 13 October 2005

Scoffing otters and more from Popbitch

Knackered and a bit under the weather, so not going to post anything this evening. This shit from earlier will have to suffice. And there's something not right with the formatting but I can't be arsed to fix it.

For those who don't subscribe to Popbitch - just WHAT is wrong with you??? Anyway, here's a selection of this week's digest:

>> Love blows us up where we belong <<
Romance blossoms for Palestinian bombmakers

Being a bombmaker isn't just about the nasty things in life. 22 year-old Samar Sahib from Gaza managed to get rarely granted permission from Israeli authorities to travel through Israel to the West Bank to marry her cousin, Ramsi. As soon as they were wed, Samar began to instruct her husband in the joyful art... of bombmaking.

The first known female bombmaker of the Israel-Palestine conflict, Samar taught Ramsi how to make bombs in case she was arrested. But Israeli forces in a helicopter and more than a dozen jeeps swooped down on the newlyweds' home and arrested them.

Now Samar is pregnant, both are in jail in Israel and even her bosses in Hamas are acting all sniffy. "The role of women in Hamas is that they are wives and mothers of the fighters," said spokesman Mushir al-Masri.

>> What not to say <<>
Trinny and Susannah agreed to support the Breast Cancer campaign recently by performing a makeover for a breast cancer patient for The Sun newspaper. Two willing subjects were located, and photos sent over to the pair so they could choose which one to do.

They replied to The Sun asking instead for "someone with longer hair."

>> Big Questions <<
Which hugely cool US rap legend gets his road crew to pull out handsome young men from the audience at his show, and bring them backstage to hang out. If they fail to deliver, one of the road crew has to strip naked and crawl across the dressing room floor and administer oral attention to the sweaty star.

An otter in Scotland has eaten the legs off
115 frogs and toads.

>> Russia's New Rasputin <<

Psychic to create child zombies? Grigory Grabovoi claims to be the second advent of Christ, and psychic who can bring people back from the dead. And he's running for the Presidency of Russia in 2008. Last month he paid for a group of mothers who lost children in the Beslan massacre to visit him in Moscow, where he apparently told them he could resurrect the kids, on 17th October. Some people obviously believe in his powers.

It has been reported that Grabovoi is employed by the government to use his extra-sensory skills to ensure the Presidential plane stays safe on trips.
The Sydney bunny-fucker has been caught in a pet
shop, violating one of his bail conditions.

More later... much later

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