Wednesday 12 October 2005

Off the shelf

Way back in "them days", women like me - I don't exclusively mean women like me, I'm referring to any single women of my age - would have been described as being "on the shelf", or even worse as "a spinster". Spinster? What the devil is that supposed to be? It sounds so cutting and spiteful, like there's some horrible stigma associated with it. Of course, the male equivalent would've been "bachelor", which has an air of suave sophistication about it.

A spinster would have to have something wrong with her: for some reason, she wouldn't be able to fulfil a normal womanly duty, or she'd be barren, she wouldn't be seen to be right.

But what of this dereliction of womanly duties? What would women of the day be expected to do? Let's see:

Womanly duty

That essentially says:

"Don't complain if he rapes you, jizzes on your face over breakfast or forces you take it up the shitter, it's all part of your duty to him as his wife."

Arseholes to that! Those spinsters had it right, methinks.

Motorway memory-lapses
Commuting can be good. That hour-long journey at the beginning and end of the working day can sometimes allow a person to compose themselves for the day ahead, or wind down and get the day out their systems. This is all dependent on how well the journey goes of course.

As a driver, I'm often given the opportunity to think about loads of things during my journey. The price of petrol, other road users (just how big are some of those wagons???), what song is next on the CD, will I get home in one piece? Today's journey home (it's a 30 mile drive) can be described as GREY: drizzly rain, lots of spray, poor visibility.

Despite the fact that you should be concentrating REALLY HARD on the road, your mind wanders and I found myself contemplating something highly amusing and more than worthy of conveying to Blogworld. Pootling along, I can remember thinking, That's the funniest thing I've EVER thought of. It'll certainly provide a few laughs if I put it on my blog.

For the life of me, I can't remember what it was.

I'll keep you posted.

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