Friday 28 October 2005


The problem with tasks at work is getting started in the first place. Given a blank sheet of paper, it's sometimes difficult to get those first words down. You have the overall idea of how something should look, but how to build sentences, paragraphs and all the rest?

Sometimes things are made complicated when you have a finished product that you need to modify, or customise for a particular setting. Faced with a huge document that needs adapting for this locality, my initial thoughts are "Fuck, where do you start?". One factor that's making the task more difficult is that I've got the PDF and not the original files; although I have Acrobat, it's a complete fart to use it to edit large portions of a document - another thing to give me an excuse to wait until next week when I can retrieve the stuff from my other base.

So I'm left contemplating. No, it's not as grand or constructive as contemplating, I'm left like this:

End it now

Of course, I could just get on with it and the day would fly by, but it's much more fun setting the world straight with the wonderful Marie. Marie is a 50-odd year old, straight-talking Scouser, who I see as a sort of "auntie" figure. I just managed to share my feelings on my disinterest in society - a disinterest that some might call "hatred" - before she had to leave for an hour or so. In a short while, I shall leave for a trip to the local shopping centre where my "disinterest" in society will be fuelled by the skewed spectrum of the population that patronises the place. Time to see if Jamie's School Dinners and associated bandwagon jumpers have had any impact on the consumption of pasties and other savouries; I think people are moving on to Subway because they think that "assmbled before your eyes" equates to "healthy". Tsk. What difference does it make? It's people's choice what they eat, let them get on with it.

Tackling underage criminals
Good to see that the management of the afore mentioned shopping centre are tackling the problem of unruly children head-on. They've installed a cage in the centre of the shopping area with 10 foot high chicken wire fence that the screaming monsters are locked into. I think it may have an electrified floor too because there was a lot of jumping and sqealing going on. EVEN BETTER was the contraption down which children are hurled from an upper level. I'm not sure what they land on, but judging by the screams, I think it might be a spike pit or acid bath.

I was going to take a photo of these torture chambers, but I fear I may have been charged with infringement of these dwarfish criminals' human rights.

Notice anything missing from this picture?

Frappr map

The Earth Angel respondeth!

Frappr pissoff

Thank you April

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