Sunday 30 October 2005

It's too orangey for crows, it's just for... and my hog

Me and my hog

Bastard bike riding in this weather. Never been so fucking wet in all my godforsaken life.

Ok, an edit now as my blood sugar is back up...

It was actually a lot of fun and the sun shone from the moment we got back to our cars.

I think it was a baptism of fire in terms of an introduction to fun on two wheels; I really don't think I'll ever experience weather as bad as that again. Which is good, because it means that it'll be a breeze from now on.

My entire bottom half was soaked (including my knickers), but my top half (with the exception of head and hands) were pretty dry - that jacket was a godsend (and only cost a tenner).

I'm definitely getting myself some mudguards. I had mud spalshes all up my back and onto the back of my head. I'm getting a rear mudguard that's about a foot wide, and also a little plastic canopy to cover the rest of the bike. In fact, next time the weather's like that, I'm staying in my car, or in bed.

We did 10 miles. This included lots of up hill and lots of down hill bits - and lots of mud. I thought we'd just be going for a gentle pootle round the reservoirs (see blue bits on map that aren't motorways). I was wrong about this, but there was certainly lots of water.

Riv map

My chain came off twice, I said "fuck" (and derivatives) on about 47 occasions.

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