Saturday 29 October 2005

Cake fear

Fear, anxiety, worry, fright, horror, trepidation, terror, dread, apprehension...


Of these synonyms, we're lucky in that we rarely, if ever, experience horror, fright or terror. However, we all encounter fear, to some degree or another. I've been asked write something about my top ten fears, but I honestly don't think I have that many. I'm scared of trivial things, but there are only a few things that I really worry about that I know I would never want to experience.

Losing my parents
Not in terms, of not being able to find them, but in terms of them dying. It's one of those things that I've always dreaded since being very young and I really don't want to contemplate a time when they're not around, to the extent where I'd prefer to die before them. If only they weren't so fucking annoying, then I'd be able to appreciate them a bit more while they're still here.

Losing my independence
My family and friends are under strict instruction to switch off the life support if I ever end up in a situation where I'd be faced with losing my independence (for example, if I became quadraplegic following an accident). I also have a fear of developing some sort of degenerative conditon such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's or MS, mainly because you'd know that you'd eventually come dependent on others, but there wouldn't be much you could do about it.

Being alone in old age
I don't really have anybody and although this is fine for now, I'm a bit scared of having nobody around for companionship, or even somebody to care about me, should I ever reach old age. I like my own space and my own company, but I find I tend to go a bit mental when I don't speak to people. It'd be nice to find somebody to settle down with, but I really don't think it'll happen.

Dying scared
Death doesn't worry me. I'd be OK dying tomorrow so long as it was quick: I've done all things I ever wanted to do and, quite frankly, I've had enough. However, I really don't like the thought of dying in a situation where I was scared, for example being kidnapped, tortured and murdered, or dying trapped somewhere like a car that's been submersed in water or is on fire.

Being homeless
I don't really have a home of my own, I live with my folks. This can be a nightmare, but if you look on the bright side, it's reasonably comfortable, my cats are here, my parents are generally OK. I couldn't imagine anything worse than being homeless, it must be bloody horrible.

Being in constant pain
I'm pathetic and I told cope with pain very well, I would hate to have a condition that meant I was in constant pain.

Going bald
Seriously! Some might think it would be a blessing with my hair, but I would really hate to lose my hair.

Other things that I'm scared of
  1. Spiders and creepy crawlies
  2. Noises at nightime
  3. Unfamiliar situations
  4. Heights
  5. People invading my personal space

Gosh, that was a cheery old post!

PS Did you get the title? Cake Fear, as in Cape Fear? Fuck, I'm wasted.

Seriously, I'm completely wasted. I've got a terrible codeine hangover and I feel fucking dreadful. Went for a walk to the shops earlier, had some stuff to buy and was stood in the queue at the till when I realised that I'd not brought any cash or my bank card with me. Turd.

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