Saturday 8 October 2005

My life in Se7en

Today it rains, and rains, and rains.

Today is Se7en. You know, the film where it rained and rained and rained and there were seven killings? It rained so much that you couldn't actually hear the dialogue.


Well, that's what it's like today.

Bastard weather.

Revenge of the spammed
So, trapped in the house I am. It's at times like these when I sit and contemplate and plot. Today, I am plotting what to do about spamcunts.

Some spam is quite funny, the messages often following the same format of, for example:

Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you! I have a health insurance lead californiasite/blog. It pretty much covers health insurance lead californiarelated stuff.

Eh? Utter nonsense, promoting stuff that nobody wants. I just like the way the last sentence says "It pretty much covers [enter subject here] related stuff" in all of them.

However, giving into word verification would be admitting defeat, so finding a more imaginative way of getting these bastards is called for. Of course, if I didn't have comments e-mailed to me, I wouldn't find out about most of the shit that gets left here. But I do, and it's annoying and it's a problem that is getting worse:

norbury travel

What have Norbury Travel got to offer? Let's see shall we?

Norbury Travel cunts

Now normally, I'd ignore this shit and delete the e-mails - it doesn't cause that much trouble, but since I got about five or six messages in a short space of time, I decided to take action. I followed their link, went to their site and sent an e-mail via their "contact us" page - they're stupid enough to have a contact us page! I told them that using spam to inundate people's blogs was an unacceptable method of advertising and that their systems might not cope if they were suddenly victim of a load of spam e-mails.

They sent a reply!

Hello Tina, thank you for the feedback on your blog.

As you might have realised the post is automated and the only way to stop receiving those would be for you to switch on the request that any posting should enter the generated letters that is built as a filter on your blog.

We also have a few blogs of ours that are open but our own very important blogs request members to enter the letters generated, that way the software can't post to those blogs.
With regards to email spam, you know if you receive a spam and place it in your spam box then any other email with that address goes directly into your spam box, blogs have not caught up to that yet.

Tina, there are hundreds of people with the new software and the only way to stop it at this time is to switch on the filter.

I hope you understand, if you have any other concerns we would like to hear them.
Airport Essentials.

Oh dear, they're for it now. Here's how I've just responded to them:

Thanks for getting back in touch.

You are wrong and you are out of order. I'm sorry, but I shouldn't have to turn on word verification to stop spammers posting crap on my blog. You should stop using it as a form of free advertising for your pathetic operation.

You have no right to intrude on people this way and I'm sure the law will soon prevent this.

Already, people are being taken to court and receiving custodial or financial sentences for sending spam e-mails and I hope you and others like you start to have similar action taken against you.

Oh and most idiots who spam people's blogs aren't stupid enough to leave contact information for us to get back to them.

Perhaps people might like to contact Airport Essentials or Norbury Travel, or whatever other name they go by, to tell them what we think of spamcunts here in Blogworld. I'm going to report them to Blogger.

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