Friday 4 November 2005

Sniffy cat in drugs overdose scandal


Otto mankyteeth on his way back from having his teeth sorted. Dirty little bastard has got the mankiest teeth on the planet and he won't let us brush them, so an operation and £200 later, he should be OK for another few years till they go rotten again.

It's always a concern when you can't just pick your animal up from the vet and when vitnree insists on seeing the patient's family. All sorts of things go through a worried owner's mind: Did they do the wrong op and amputate a leg by mistake? Did they kill him? Have they found something (else) wrong with him?

I've just learnt that they gave poor little Otto a ketamine overdose and that he's completely off his tits. His (remaining) pupil is totally dilated and so he's suffering total sensory overload (on his left hand side anyway). Worse still, he's got to stay indoors for at least two days. That'll be fun, whingy little bugger that he is.

Stupid wankers.

Back later with stuff that's not about cats or other stuff that sad wankers usually blog about.

OK, a quick edit so you can have a laugh at a trippy cat...

I've no idea what he thinks he can see, but he's convinced there's something running around in front of him

Otto's lost mind

My, what big eye you have!


I must add that the excessively loud fireworks are helping to calm him down no end!

More later I hope and the build up to a farewell?

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