Saturday 5 November 2005

Being for the benefit of Mr Pig

Welcome! You are now IN Salford.  Lock all your doors and try not to stopPiggy and Tazzy had a trip to Blackpool the other day. A journey from hell, culminating in a day from hell, that would have taken them past this on the motorway.

That's right, this is the motorway that runs near to my house that I walk under to go playing out in the local woods.

Anyway, it's not that interesting, but anything to induce flashbacks to 'Pool in the Boys from Barnsley is a good thing.

Otto update
He's no longer cursed by the sprites that dogged him yesterday, but he's not quite right. You know how those people who claim that vaccinations gave their kids autistism? Well, it's like that with the cat. He's not right at all. If he doesn't get back to normal I'll have to get rid of him; he's really boring at the moment. Just like me.

Going out with a bang
Need to think of something to post, must think of something to post! Fuck it. I'll go the gym.

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