Wednesday 9 November 2005

Bright eyes...

..burning like fire
Getting up is very difficult when it's dark; it seems to compound the chronic fatigue that is borne out of months of sleep deprivation. The state of malaise is aggravated by having pissholes for eyes - they just do not want to open. Bloodshot 'n' baggy is definitely "in" this autumn. Still, the last thing you need is for your eyes to look even piggier by wearing your specs, so you persevere with contact lenses.

So this exhausted commuter finally makes it out of their house and into their car. The rising and setting winter sun can be quite a hazard for motorists; this morning's trek to Runcorn was quite painful for me in that, in addition to having the low sun in my face for the entire journey, both of my eyes were being irritated by the contact lenses I was wearing. On reaching work, I decided to give the contacts a quick bath. I took out the left one, was shocked and appalled, and was forced to remove the right one, upon which I'd have been incandescent with rage had I had any energy.

Look at these buggers:


And on closer inspection:


Bastard things.

I blame that woman at Costco: "Are you sure this is your prescription?"

"Yes, I'm sure, order them please."

"Absolutely sure you want these lenses?"

"Yes, yes, please order them"

"OK then, on your own head be it"

Now I know why I heard an evil cackle as she turned her back to me.

Not all bad news
It certainly wasn't: today was an excellent day when it came to bowel movements; Boots had my styling product in (and it was on three for two); we had those nice big mushrooms with tea; I got my webcam working; I said "Off you pop" to the popups; and I played the best jolly jape on dear April.

Some blogspot sites have been blocked by the work's firewall. And no, that's not a jumped-up excuse for selective commenting or favouritism. Well, it is. But it's quite scary - who's blog will be blocked next? Will this mean that I have to spend the WHOLE day actually working? God, I'll die!

Got the new Kate Bush album, Aerial, today. Some of it is really good (mainly the second of the CDs) and some of it is weird to the point of being plain old daft. For example, in "pi" she actually sings out the number. There's also another one about a washing machine. However, mixed in with the expected oddness is some really beautiful stuff.

If you like Kate, give this a go because there'll be something on there that you really enjoy. If you can't stand her, don't bother.

A shorta fairytale
Once upon a time, a girl asked a guy:

"Will you marry me?"

The guy said, "NO!"

And the girl lived happily ever after...
...and went shopping, dancing, camping, drank martinis, always had a clean house, never had to cook and farted whenever she wanted.


Right, I'm off to see if April is repentant and I might consider taking off that e-mail divert.

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