Thursday 10 November 2005

I read the news today

Oh boy, and are we in for lots of doom and gloom to come?

Looking at the headlines, there are two things we need to worry about, and perhaps something to look forward to.

Firstly, people are extremely worried because, with December approaching, there is some compelling evidence to say that it might get cold! I don't know how we're going to survive if that happens. The problem is that it's not only going to get cold, but we might even have snow too. The country will grind to a halt. We might have to don hi-vis coats and sweep our paths!


Now, I'm not sure about everyone else in Britain, but for as long as I can remember, as soon as the clocks go back each year, we've been threatened with "The worst winter on record EVER!" and it's never materialised. And so what if it does? When was the last time anybody except the Ock Nock Nooks and the Cumbrians had the opportunity to play out in the snow instead of getting stuck in it coming home from work for the one day that it falls?

Motorway snow


Lock 'em up!
Apparently, most people in Britain want terror suspects to be detained without formal charge for as long as is necessary to gather evidence against them - according to some reports at least. I think that should be "Of 432 people who rang our phone line, 321 agreed with the proposals to detain terror suspects for 90 days without charge". Of course, this is a phone poll in a hang 'em high, right-wing tabloid.

"I am arresting you because you look a bit shifty and you're driving a souped-up Honda with the music on too loud- and that's more than I have to tell you under the Terrorism Act"

Bollocks to that.

No offence intended
People are up in arms because certain "Theys" are banning Christmas because they don't want to cause offence to other faiths ("Winter lights" instead of "Christmas lights", not being able to wish people "Merry Christmas", etc, etc). When are the politically correct numpties who are in charge of making such decisions going to learn that you don't have an open and welcoming society by banning things because YOU think they might cause offence?

  • Firstly, you ask people what offends them and ask them to justify this. In many cases, people of non-Christian faiths have no problem and the problem lies solely in the warped mind of a white, middle-class, lefty graduate who's been on too many equality and diversity courses wthout ever actually speaking to to somebody from a minority group.
  • You then tell them that there are certain things that they do that might cause offence to certain sections of society, but we're all grown ups and we have to accept that people have different values and so long as no harm or offence is intended on anybody's part, then we should all get along fine.
  • If people find our traditions offensive for no good reason, then is they who have the problem and it's this that needs to be addressed, rather than banning things.
  • We all live happily ever after.

And that is what I think.

Oh, I forgot the good thing - Tony Blair's defeat in parliament over the Terrorism Act.

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