Saturday 19 November 2005

And with a thud on the carpet, it was here

Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in the life of yours truly (it is truly, isn't it?). Today I held in my tiny little baby hands*:

The Mystical Celtic Cross Stone

Mystical Celtic Cross Stone

It has reached the end of its epic journey; a journey that has spanned millennia, and it has finally found its rightful and very mystical home, here in the dark land of Salfordia.

Accompanied by runic scripture documenting its mythical history, a magical spell revealed the hidden caveat that the Stone's power must only used for good deeds (fuck!).

Cross stone parchment

The Stone's journey to the magical land of Salfordia took so long because it shrouds itself from those it knows would abuse its power. On thinking the wicked acts of revenge that I could use the Stone's powers for in my battle of wills against the wrongdoers in the parish, it disguised itself cunningly as a lump of cheese:

lump of stilton

The Voice in my head told me, "Use only good to fight evil. Good must win".

That's a bit fucking boring if you ask me, but the Stone's will must be done and I'll have to be more creative with my interpretation of "good".

So, the task for the People is to tell me, The Keeper: What good deeds would you like the Stone's power to be used for?

*Hand it over
I wonder if CCE has good personal hygiene standards, or whether I'll have to scrub my hands every time I've touched the thing. I'm sure I'll be fine. But isn't this a cause for concern when you buy second hand books, or borrow books from a library? You never know what the previous owners or readers have been doing prior to fingering the pages.

Just a thought.

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