Monday 14 November 2005

Let me entertain you

surly girl said...

never mind all that - i'm bored. can you post summat new? (please bear in mind that my laptop is crap and caches stuff so it's entirely possible that you have posted and i just can't see it).....

What do you think this is, some sort of on-demand Sniffy Freak Show?


Errrm, actually, I suppose you're right.

Some bastard is going to beat me in my quest to acquire the Mystical Celtic Cross Stone. Destiny has decreed that the stone should be mine: I am its rightful custodian; great things have been foreseen for the two of us together. But these great and wonderous deeds will never be realised if some other twat gets hold of it. I need it, it has spoken to me. I cannot believe it may go to another.

Still, if I don't win, I'll use my powers to find out who did win it and I'll hunt them down and torch their house!

That'll learn em.

Freak like me
No public humiliation for me tonight. The world of bloggers has had enough treats/terrors over the past week or so. Sniffycam is now closed to all but those whom I truly love. I am using it to send scary video e-mails to my dear friends who moved hundreds of miles away to get away from me. Stalking is so easy in the electronic age.

A point of clarification
My hair is curly and curly it will stay. There are certain things about ourselves that we shouldn't even think about trying to change.

Rain dance

I'd love to change the bags under my eyes though

And of course, after my outing by April I have to confess to doing regular rain dances in my bedroom, usually to Madonna's Into the groove and usually only wearing my underwear.

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