Thursday 17 November 2005

Ask a stupid question

Obsessed with being an obsessive and ever eager to discover the wherabouts of readers, imagine my delight when I found this:

Types of cakes

The main point of interest here is the referring page and the method by which the hapless reader from Augusta, Georgia stumbled across this blog. The question to which they searched for an answer was:

"Where can I find various types of cakes?"

Call me old fashioned, but your first point of call would generally be one of these things known as a "bakers and confectioners". Bugger only knows what they found by dropping in here.

"Yeah, if you go down to Athens, GA, and you're driving in your car, you won't get very far before you hear people shouting out!" I tribute there to the wonderful people of the great state of Georgia.

Oh, and next door's washing was STILL out this morning. It must bloody stink and need rewashing by the time they get it in. I mean, just what on earth do they do all day? Surely they must have just one spare minute to bring it in between filling out benefit claim forms and eating chips?? Can people be prosecuted for being criminally stupid? They fucking should be!

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