Tuesday 8 November 2005

Sign of the times

In this day and age - it being two thousand and five AD - why the hell is Times New Roman font still in existence? Hmmmm, hhhMMMM?????

I've always hated Times. This is mainly because I have difficulty reading it (I don't know why this is, but it's true) and it also looks completely shit.

What do I mean by "it looks completely shit"? Well, it's too fussy.

Let's have a look at something


Everything about Times New Roman makes it difficult to read.

Imagine my disappointment when, having reinstalled MS Office and that, all my Outlook e-mails started coming through in Times Bastard New Tossing Roman? I've tried eveything and it won't change. I'm completely arsed off with it. I think it may have something to do with loading my existing Outlook data file, although Piggy would tell me not to worry my little girly head with that sort of stuff and he'd be right.

Hrrrm, wonder what would happen to my PC if I deleted Times from the font library. It'd probably trigger a chain of events that leads to a huge international conflict or something - it's amazing how these things can sometimes start.

Bollocks, that's all that can be said on that matter.

Aside from this, the new and improved Sniffy PC is, well, new and improved. It's like having a new toy and everything.

Boring techno crap finished with.

Confessions of a domestic goddess
Moving on, some might write a post contemplating what it might be like to stay at home, using domestic appliances for sexual pleasure, but that would be rather crude. I can't imagine anybody with any intelligence or sense of self-worth doing that sort of thing. Very degrading.

Confessions of an axe murderer
I'm saying absolutely nothing!

Confessions of a lawbreaker
Not me of course, but I happen to have gotten hold of some photographs that were taken on somebody's way home from work today. They happen to travel the exact same journey as me and it also took them AN HOUR AND A FUCKING HALF to travel the 8 mile journey home.

Rainy traffic queue_1

Why is it that people drive like complete spazzes when it rains? Modern cars have good braking systems, decent fans to clear steamy windows, windscreen wipers, traction control - loads of things to make driving safer and easier. Yet people still completely lose all sense when there's a bit of water around. Nobheads.

Confessions of a Mousesniffer
The male Mousesniffer sibling, Max, degraded himself the other night.

Happy was he,
Lay beside me
On his pillow.
Purring away as I tickled his chin, shoulder and ear,
He rolled over for more...

Dirty little bugger

Mucky little bastard.

I was shocked and appalled. The tickling of an ear and a shoulder does not warrant that response from a neutered cat under any circumstances. What the shitbag neighbours must've thought if they'd heard the repeated exlamation: "Max, put it away!" bugger only knows. Probably no different to them hearing me in conversation with myself and "CHEESES OHMYGOD", accompanied by a dimmed buzzing noise.

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