Friday 11 November 2005

The end of the world

Where are you in all this?

With gale-force winds and torrential rain lashing the UK almost consistently for the past three weeks, it makes you wonder what the end of the world might be like. Not much different to this I'll bet, only about 50°C hotter with less oxygen and more sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere. In fact, here in Salford, all we need is for the temperature to hot up and we'll be there.


I bet the end of the world would be quite depressing, knowing that there wasn't really any going back, that your goose was well and truly cooked and that. Is it "and that" or "and stuff" in that situation? Bloody syntax.

Anyway, not point worrying about the end of the world on a Friday afternoon. Better to leave those sorts of things till Sunday teatime when you're faced with the dread of going back to school on Monday. This is particularly difficult if you're not long back from your holiday oversees and you still haven't quite recovered from your jetlag. Eh Whinger?

So it's Friday afternoon and, after a very long but enjoyable meeting at a local hospital this morning, I'm officially "working from home". This inevitably means that I'm fucking about on the internet, but so long as I, at some point over the weekend, produce an informative and user-friendly leaflet, and prepare my teaching session for next week, then everything will be fine.

I tell you what, I love my PC and I love Windows XP (professional, you know). It just makes everything work properly. I know it has its problems and some people hate it (generally stupid people), and no doubt there'll be things that I get pissed off with too, but it just clicks with everything so well.

OK then, as promised a while ago, it's time for a...

Yes or no 2
  1. Sniffycam porn action
  2. "Working from home"
  3. Music download sites
  4. Leftover Hallowe'en chocolate
  5. Ketamine for kitties
  6. Lambs to the slaughter before the 9pm TV watershed
  7. Two-fingered salutes
  8. Shutting down Cakesniffers on Blogger and switching to Wordpress
  9. Diverting spam comment e-mails to April
  10. Hooded tops
  11. Firefox???? (Yeah, I added this one later)

There you go, and not forgetting:

Musical mystery
"I thought I saw a man brought to life "

Next line, or song title and artist please.

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