Wednesday 20 July 2005

Walking... r e a l l y s l o w l y

Why do some people walk r e a l l y s l o w l y? Especially alongside each other in narrow corridors where it's impossible to get past (passed?) them? And they don't just walk alongside each other, really slowly, thus filling the entire width of the passageway with their combined girth, they leave a tantalising gap between each other that invites you to have a go, only to close up as they hear you approaching.

Is it rude to "tsk" and "huff" really loudly behind them? Or is it better to just shove them out of the way into the path of an oncoming motorised invalid carriage? And who's the most inconsiderate, you for wanting to get some place at your natural pace, or them for blocking your way by dawdling, oblivious to all but their own selfish needs? Bastards.

Still that's hospitals for you: poorly people wandering around corridors, trying to get to their appointments.

A variant on this is the "multidirectional toddler", who wanders around willy-nilly a few metres from its incompetent guardians. Their next steps are totally unpredictable, but they seem to second-guess where you're about to aim for and wander to that exact spot to try to trip you up. Can you sue their parents if these menaces make you fall over and do yourself an injury?

Toddlers shouldn't really be allowed out until their about 18 years old I suppose.

The worst of the bunch is similar to "walking really slowly", only they come at you head-on and you have to negotiate a way through the unbudging, oncoming pack of complete and utter cocks who walk three or four abreast and force you into shop doorways rather than moving in a little bit to form a gap that allows you to pass. I'm going to start being really hard and aiming right at these fuckers, staring straight past them.

I'm sure my route round the shopping centre is about twice as long as it should be because I can't walk in a straight line since I'm constantly swirving out of the way of inconsiderate and ill-mannered tosspots.

It'd so different if I had a cattle prod.

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