Sunday 17 July 2005


Blue is a colour that's used to describe quite a few things: you can be "feeling a bit blue"; watching a "bluey"; and something might actually be blue in colour as in Trois couleurs, bleu.

So what about blue tooth?

What the fuck is all that about? What would the term "Bluetooth" convey if you'd never heard of it in connection with anything else? Probably rotten dental work. Gone-off amalgam fillings, that sort of thing. It certainly wouldn't provoke thoughts of reliable, secure, wireless communication. And in fact, Bluetooth is none of those things!

Fucking shite. Having numerous experiences of bluetooth mobile phone headset troubles, I encountered another difficulty with this shit technology this evening transferring files between phones. Stupid thing kept killing my phone half way through a transfer. Bloody rubbish.

Could be my phone I suppose. Any excuse for an upgrade.

I wonder what people wrote whinging blogs about before there was any technology? Plague and pestilence, death in childbirth, dried eggs and rationing, invading armies of Vikings or Romans or the French - oh silly me, the French never actually did that well did they? Actually if you do a Google search for "French military victories" and hit "I'm feeling lucky", you get a great result:

You do this search at work and the IT Nazi Bastard Police block the page and log that you've tried to access it. Yeah, like it's on a par with hardcore kiddie fiddling porn, isn't it?

Harry Potter is getting quite good btw.

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