Monday 11 July 2005


[Edit: See also "Too quick to judge" (below)]

The problem with speaking the best language in the world is that loads of other people have adopted it too - Bloody British Empire! Because of this, there are lots of different versions of English and not all represent the same language.

Now, not being a linguist myself and having a limited knowledge of English grammar (just a working one really), I'm not qualified to get into an argument about the differences between UK (proper) and US (fly by night) English. However, as a user of UK English, I'm perfectly justified in getting totally fucking pissed off with Microsoft Fucking Office for always defaulting to US bastard ENGLISH! Fuckers!!!! (And this comes after my defence of Microsoft earlier, hypocritical bitch that I am).

You install Office and you can cope with menus and things being written in US English, you have no choice (although I don't see why we can't have a British English version since the Welsh and all other languages have their own). Anyway, US English menus and shite you can cope with, but you set all your defaults for Word, Outlook, Powerpoint - Office in fact - to UK English. Everything goes brilliantly: you tippy-tappy away, write your documents, send your e-mails, and everything is nice, in good old Blighty Lingo. Then you get an e-mail that you open in Outlook, you need to reply or forward it and something very, very annoying happens: it defaults back to US English!

US English message

How annoying is that? You see how the default is set to UK English, but it just decides to change to US for no other reason than to piss people off? The same happens whenever you paste something into Word or the other applications?

Do Microsoft realise how much time is wasted in British workplaces as people have to constantly change the language of e-mail replies. I doubt they even care. Fuckers.

Edit See "Too quick to judge" (below).

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