Saturday 16 July 2005

Things that irritate me... about myself

People get annoyed with others and with their environments and their lives because it's often easier to express anger at a third party than it is to continually admonish themselves. It's probably safer that way too; it's not good to look inwardly and be self-critical. Not all the time anyway.
If I had a post on "things that irritate me" full stop, we'd be here forever. In fact, this whole blog is heavily weighted towards the things that send my blood pressure through the roof, so there's no point in trying to fit it all in here. There are some things that I do, some things about me - they physical me - that really piss me off. Here are some of them:

  • Low self confidence. I am good at most things that I do and I'm very clever, but I display remarkable lack of self confidence at times. I think this is because I'm too lazy to tell people how good I am and I expect them to do it for me.
  • Physical crapness. After years of not looking after myself, now that I want to I can't because my body keeps failing on me. Last week was my knee, today is my hip that has gone for no reason whatsoever.
  • Leaving the tap running while brushing my teeth.
  • Chewing the dry skin around my fingernails and making them bleed.
  • Terrible temper.
  • Not being bothered with people. I'm a bit of a misenthrope actually. Can you be a "bit" of a misenthrope? Hrrm, I hate most people, so I suppose you can. I don't have much time for many of the people in my life
  • Strange toilet habits
  • Strange eating habits
  • Crap with money
  • Crap dress sense
  • Rubbish eyesight
  • Crooked teeth
  • Bad
  • Bad
  • Bad

Oh God, this is getting terrible. I'd better stop before I take an overdose. Mmmmm, codeine!

Here are some sunsets to cheer me up.

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