Tuesday 5 July 2005

Lost in translation

It's great when people only half hear things. Take this scenario. Our scene involves a Cakesniffer (that'll be moi), a chap called Alan and a young lass called Kuriman.

Alan is the sweetest bloke you could ever meet. He's a lovely family man who adores his wife and two girls. He works very hard to provide for them and is extremely consciencious (fuck knows how to spell that). I don't think I've ever heard him swear and he tends to opt for "crumbs" a lot as a safe alternative. He was once described as very Enid Blyton's Famous Five and I was thrilled when he once ordered ginger beer to drink on a work's night out.

Tina "So is that current then?"
Alan "Current?"
Kuriman "Sorry, did you want me Alan?"
Tina "No, he said current"
Kuriman "Oh right, it's just that you don't really hear Alan swear that often"


Dereliction of blogging duties
Yep, I'm not as prolific as usual at the moment. I seem to have found a sort of social life and these extra hours eat into my evenings until about 9.30-10pm on the nights when I work. As I can't blog from Base 1, it seems that I'm not doing much. I apologise.

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