Thursday 14 July 2005

Frankly feminine

I'm such a nice young lady
That's me!

I found this wonderful book on the charity table at work today. I was so impressed that I donated £1 for it. First published in the UK in 1965, Frankly Feminine is a "book of comprehensive information and advice for the woman of today".

Strange then that when I showed it to my mum and my sister, both their reactions were to assume that it was some lesbian porn book. Seriously, Mum said, "That's not a book about those women, is it?" and my sister came out with, "Have you been borrowing books from that librarian Denise again?". Honestly! Would anybody seriously come out to their mother by proudly showing them a book of librarian pornography??? Christ, my family!

Anyway, Frankly Feminine is going to transform my life. I'm going to work through each of its sections, one by one. Here's what's covered:

  • Beauty
  • Dress sense
  • Manners up to date
  • Personal relationships
  • Homemaking
  • Cookery
  • The family
  • Entertaining
  • Great wide world
  • Lifelines

Well, I don't need all of the beauty tips because I'm gorgeous anyway. However, my posture is tragic, so I'm going to take some advice on that front:

Head high, chin parallel to the floor

First, I need to undergo the Test for a straight back:

Shoe-shuffler or slouch?

  1. Do you walk on eggs? Not if I can help it
  2. Do you lead with your chin? I think I tend to lead with my forehead
  3. Are you a hip-thrower? With hips the size of mine, I can't help it!
  4. Are you a shoe-shuffler? Depends on the shoes
  5. Do you wear "flats" all day? I sense a disapproving tone with this one
  6. Are you a chair fidget or a slumper? Slumper
  7. How do you stand? Corrected, most of the time
  8. Can you walk with a book on your head? Who can't??

Gosh, who'd have thought being a modern woman could be so complicated? This book has over 500 pages to work through. It could take me some time, but we could do it together?

Good Lord, I've just seen sections on Exploring Paris and How to be a better driver. Life's essential lessons for any modern girl!

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