Tuesday 26 July 2005

Interview with an airplane-fixing, lady-loving, eurotrash-canadian grrrly-grrrl

Those who have seen my interview at Angry Chimp will know how this works. I’ve asked Connie of connielingus a few interview questions and it’s given me the opportunity to go back over her blog and remind myself of some of the things I really enjoy about it (apart from the obvious of course!).

Christ almighty
Oi oi!

Connie was the first blogger who linked to me, I was thrilled to find her, but a bit confused by all the rust!

Connie grinder
"Eat my grinder!"

Here’s what her take is on being a Blogstar.

1. How long have you been blogging?

Since March 2005

Here's how her first post went:

..........and go.........
and so here i am, about to embark on a fabulous new blog......yeah, its gonna be good.....interesting and chock full of wit and insight.....i want to have a cult-like following.....hope that works out.GT's everyone.....GT's

2. Why did you start blogging?

Being a secret, happy, diary writer for years I had read a couple of enticing articles in a mere couple weeks (in my favorite magazines and newspapers), listing the wonderful benefits and happiness available in the world of bloggydom.I guess I was curious.....

3. How many posts have you written to date?

5 months worth.... approx. 150 give or take.......

4. Which post are you most proud of and why?

Well, for readership alone, my
"Guess the Knocker Knockout" series. I received 150 people the day I showcased it, and over 200 the day the answers came out....(on an average day I range from 50 - 100 people..).


I am also proud of my "Corrosion of The Week" (just because I sound intelligent.)

This one's my favourite!

Blog porn
"Shocked and apppalled"

And not forgetting "The L Word Reviews" BLIMEY!

(Any excuse)

5. Who was the first person to comment on your blog – outside of friends/family?

I think it was
Tina Cakesniffer! shortly followed by April Pissoff and Herge The Angry Chimp.....

When Connie met Tina ...aahhhh, intit lovely?

6. What would you rather have – less visitors but more comments or many visitors but no comments?

I used to think more visitors was best, but nowadays I really truly live to see my comments at the end of the day..... I have so many "people" from all over the world who check into my blog almost everyday and never leave a comment. I don't know who they are....... I sorta like knowing, at least a little bit, of who reads my blog. I guess the initial thrill of the anonymous reader has worn off.

(No idea what happened to question 7, or whether I sent it)

8. Do your friends/ family read your blog?

Yes, but I definitely know now the positives to having an anonymous blog that no one knows about!The people I could make fun of! The things I could bitch about!I guess I started out as a sorta "here's my life" blog..... and it's been a variation of that ever since.

Connie's Jenn
We love Connie's friends!

9. How many blogs are there in your links list?

About 25 or so....

10. Which blog do you check out first and why?

I usually start with (not to be sucking up...)
Cakesniffers Beware, then on to Angry Chimp.... etc. etc. I have a bit of a mental order which is NOT reflected at all by my links list ..... I am a bit of a scatterbrain... there is no order in this brain.

11. Do you always leave comments at blogs you read?

No not always.... It's a time thing for me... god knows I try, but sometimes I can't think up a witty, intelligent comment that has importance in enough time. I want to be heard and not just seen... you know what I mean?!

12. What do you most like about other blogs?

I really do stick to the honest, bitchy, humorous blogs that are NOT serious and political. I really do enjoy reading about other peoples adventures in their lives..... Tell me about an amusing trip to the Dentist.... Tell me all the things you hate about people in the grocery store line! I adore a good writer that can make even their bowel movements interesting and amusing! Might that be me??

13. What do you most dislike about other blogs?

I don't like Blogs who just repeat the news, whine without humour about their lives, or try and sell something.....

14. What single thing would you like to improve about your blog?

I dunno really.... I wish there was about 4 more hours in the day, then you would REALLY see a BLOGSTAR!!!!!

15. In a conversation about your blog, how would you like it described?

I suppose It's a personal Blog with a twist.... And the Twist is always changing!

Well, that's our Connie for you. A true Blog star if ever there was one. I'd like to thank Connie for taking the time to answer the questions - I know she's busy at the moment and her time is very much appreciated, as are her stupendous efforts in keeping us all entertained across the seas (and rust-free skies). Oh and Connie, if you could think of somebody to interview, if you get the time...?

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