Friday 29 July 2005

He-she bloggers

Interwebbing is great fun, particularly these blogs. It takes a bit of time, but after a while a community of bloggers builds up who read and comment on each others' endeavours. This goes on for a while and you sort of get to know certain things about people in the gang, more about some than others. The one day, something suddenly dawns on you; you have no idea what sex somebody is. Even more confusing is the fact that the perceived sex seems to change, depending on the post or comment that that particular person submits.

Now, I may be being a bit thick, and this is probably the case, but I have to admit that I've absolutely no idea whether Aasmodeus is male or female.

Come on, have I missed something? Is it something that's just never been mentioned? Or is it some great cunning rouse to keep us all guessing?

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