Friday 22 July 2005

Little Mr Pissy-Pants

This is my little cat. He's called Otto and he has special needs. I think that if cats are susceptible to attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, then Otto has got it. When awake, he can't keep still and he get SO excited about things; even having a lie down is entertainment for him:

Something's got this little feller excited, but it doesn't take much.

When he gets VERY excited, he runs around the house, making kitten noises. He was doing this yesterday evening and when I went to investigate what was up, I saw a puddle of pussy pee on the kitchen floor. We have a litter tray for their night time toilets, but he'd got himself so excited that he complete missed and did his wee-wees on the floor instead.

Fucking retard.

At least he wasn't being chased by the shit monster.

But in a world where so much makes my blood boil, little Otto Tunasniffer is guaranteed to make laugh.

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