Saturday 18 June 2005

Voters signal clear "NO" to VAG in a Sniffy blog

VAG in a ...VAGina...VAGINA! Get it? No vagina in Sniffy blog!

Fuck it, don't know what I bother for.

Anyway, I've set the default to Tahoma. It's not a fontastic character, but it's inoffensive and everybody has it installed on their machines. I say "everybody", I'm not too sure about Macs: I had to endure an iMac in one of my jobs and it was more of an etch-a-sketch that would crash every 10 minutes and you had to bang and shake it to reboot before it'd do anything. I think its font selection was limited to: "Serious", "Funny", "Comic", "Spazmo", "Fucktard", and "What you using letters for? This is a Mac, Mac users only use the mouse". Luckily, it got stolen.

Secret messages
I've been writing a secret message to blog world and nobody's picked up on it. It's a good job I wasn't desperate for somebody to save my life or something! Then again, I could've just called the police or written, "Oh, I think there's an axe murderer coming for me! Please call the police somebody", rather than leaving cryptic clues.

Let's see what Sniff's going on about...

Special secret code
You see?

I might start a new fashion in blog world. You could have a theme over an above each individual post and this is indicated by some sort of code in the titles of the constituent posts for that theme. But nobody knows what the theme is until the code is revealed. Or there may be no theme at all, the author may simply STILL be mulling over something that some numpty said in a shop a couple of weeks back because they are just a little bit odd and obsessive. Or they may just have a long-term compulsion for salty snacks (as well as bakery products).

1 comment:

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