Saturday 25 June 2005

Attack, attack, attack!

There's nothing worse than being attacked when your defences are down. Well, I suppose being attacked is pretty crap anyway, but it's even worse when you're absolutely helpless.

In space, no-one can hear you scream.

The same is true of a locked bathroom when you're sat on the pot for your night-time wee and these fuckers come flying through the window at you:

Monster mash
I didn't let it out of my sight for a millisecond, concentrating on where it bobbed about in its stupidly drunken fashion of flying to see where it finally landed. It landed on my shower scrunchie thing (that thing that's like a pair of tights that makes you get the most out your shower gel). BASTARD THING.

The worrying this is that I don't know where it ended up, but I think they only live for about a day so I reckon it's toast now anyway. Ha!

Attack of the moans
There was an interesting "Paul McCartney is an embarrassing twat"/"No, he's an icon" debate going on in the Best of British II post. Gary, who turns out to be pretty decent, was rather upset at my attack on Sir Paul, or the nature of it and he commented to tell me so. This was how it went:

At 23 June, 2005 23:52, Anonymous said...
A bunch of kids bad mouthing icons.Where were you in 1964?Leave my man Paul alone. He has kept on tick'n.On the other hand, if all you can do is knock other's sucess - maybe you need a life!Gary

At 24 June, 2005 01:36, Anonymous said...
(Keith in Minneapolis)Have you noticed how Paul McCartney has turned into Angela Lansbury?

At 24 June, 2005 17:03, Tina said...
Gary the McCartney defender: just look at that picture of him, think about how he used to stand there and wobble his fucking head from side-to-side while "ooooh-ing" and "ahhhhh-ing", think of the Frog's chorus and all the other complete fucking shite he's come out with, and then tell me he's a superstar. He's crap and he's an embarrassment. In fact, the only one with any talent in the Beatles was George Harrison; most of Lennon's stuff was bollocks too.As far as getting a life, maybe you're right. But it wouldn't be very interesting if I couldn't express my own opinion in my own blog, would it?

At 24 June, 2005 17:05, Anonymous said...
AnonymousWhere was I in 1964? Not gestating in the belly of a godawful proto hippy chick, that's for sure.Macca's position is indefensible. He inflicted the aural atrocity that is 'The Frog's Chorus' on zillions of unprotected eardrums.Consequently,he must die. Preferably bludgeoned to death with his wife's wooden leg.

At 24 June, 2005 17:23, Tina said...
Oh, Anonymous, that's one of the funniest things I've heard all day! And an actual use for Heather Mills-McCartney too. Fantastic.

At 24 June, 2005 17:25, Anonymous said...
You are right, you can have and post your opinion. I have mine too.'Didn't say he is a ss, just an icon.My whole point was not to defend Paul, but to call attention to your attitude. People who bad mouth speak more of themselves.Have an opinion - speak it - just be less juvenile, if you want to be taken seriuosly.Gary

At 24 June, 2005 19:15, Tina said...
Why would I want to be taken seriously here in a "homorous" blog? I have to be taken seriously enough at work all day, if I wanted to be taken seriously in my blog, I'd write tomes about research governance and all other types of legislation.I never claimed to be composing a serious critique about "Sir Paul", and I'd never write one anyway because a) I'm not interested in him and b) I'm not knowledgable enough about that sort of thing. What I can do, in my blog, is have a pop at anybody I like.For fuck's sake, why do I always get them here? You never see this shit over at
Herge's, unless he deletes those particular comments.

At 24 June, 2005 21:09, Anonymous said...
Anonymous GaryWe are only indulging in the quaint Brit tradition of 'spleen venting'.This cathartic activity prevents us from charging en masse towards the English Channel to mount our lilos and invade France brandishing large black puddins.Anonymous Garf

At 24 June, 2005 22:07, Anonymous said...
Ok, I get it, you are venting........ :-)Perhaps I am guily also.Gary

At 24 June, 2005 22:17, Anonymous said...
Sorry for the typo:guilTy also..A post script in my defense: I was in High School when the Beatles became popular in the US. I liked most of their work. It can be said that I find it a little strange feeling to see that the icons of the past are in the "Retirement" ages. (Especially the Stones, they need to retire as they are embarassing now!! ) Enough,Gary

I hope Gary comes back, he seems pretty cool. And he called us all a "bunch of kids", which I found incredibly flattering. Not like Ryan J. Ryan is a complete and utter fuckwit. Ryan is a little boy who has a lot of growing up to do.


Money for nothing
Yep, I'm doing about 10 hours a week as a "locum analytical scientist" to help out a former colleague and to earn a bit of extra cash. It's fucking ace! After a few years away and a bit of time to refresh, you come to realise that lab work is really good fun, it requires real skill and you need to use your brain too. So much nicer than being solely office based. Oh for the days.

Anyway... I've been at work this morning and, what with finishing by midday, I've essentially been paid to do something that I've enjoyed, during a time when I'd usually be dossing about the house in my pyjamas. It also means that I make the most of the rest of my free time (in theory).

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