Tuesday 28 June 2005

Cakesniffer joins Angry Chimp protest against Middle Class Guardian-reading twats!

I had an epiphany at work this afternoon and started a seemingly unprovoked attack against the Guardian and its readership.

What makes me just as sick as sponging dole-scum are the fucking Guardian-reading, middle-class, socialist, plastic working-class, up-their own arse bastard cunts!

I'll tell you my story: I was born the third child to my parents. My dad was an Italian imigrant with not very good English skills, he worked in a poorly-paid job in a factory. Mum was a housewife, but was a nurse by training and she sometimes had a part time job as an occupational health nurse (at the factory where dad worked). They were poor. At times, my mum used to have to look for money down the side of the sofa to afford a loaf of bread or some milk. We lived in rented house until I was about 3, then moved into a Council house. We moved to another Council house in 1977 and we still live here today.

I went to the local state schools where I did OK. The schools were OK, the pupils were a fair mix of pretty poor to not too badly off kids - nobody led a particularly privileged existence. They were the sorts of schools where, if you got your head down, you could do quite well. Most schools around here are like that. I did well, went onto 6th form, where I did very well. I ended up at University where I was fucking ace and came top of my class. Did a PhD. Somehow or other, I ended up back with my folks. I now work in the NHS where I guess I'm a middle manager sort of grade.

So, I get so fucking annoyed with these privilged wankers telling me that I've done exceptionally well for myself considering my background. That it must've been an enormous struggle against hardship. A fight against class attitudes, to break away from the cycle of hopelessness that's experienced by everybody else with my sort of upbringing.

In reality, with certain exceptions, anybody with half a brain who knuckled down could've made the most of the opportunities presented to them at the time that I was groing up. Generally, the only things that prevent people getting on were laziness and stupidity - not what they're parents did for a living or what sort of house they lived in.

Fucking stuck up, ignorant, patronising cunts. They're so blinkered and so far removed from the real world that they live with these assumptions. They pretend to empathise with the working classes, yet they wouldn't be seen dead around here. They claim it's only right and socially fair to have a welfare system, but they never see that the system provides an option of a way of life for some while failing those who really need it. They make assumptions about people's political leanings based on background and upbringing.

They are complete tossers. They read the Guardian, they listen to Radio 4, they listen to Coldplay, Travis and Did, and they sneer at people who don't vote the way they do. They are same sort of people that turn into Bono and Geldof. They need destroying.

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