Monday, 13 June 2005

Children of the Revolution

Connie has tagged me (whatever that means) to make me do this. Apparently, I need to tell Blogland about FIVE things that I miss from my childhood... just check I've got this right... yep, five. I've got to do some linky tab things too. Fuck, when can I get back to bitching about life?

  1. My mum's sister, my Auntie Lil. She died when I was 12, but I have fond memories of my childhood growing up around her and my cousins, particularly Christmas and the summertime. It was the ideal family life of the mid- to late 1970s, with family parties and special meals. She was obsessed with Wimbledon and would barely leave the TV during the whole competition. She was a lovely, caring person and I can still remember being cheeky to her and upsetting her once, I can't remember apologising properly for it. When she died, my mum kind of fell apart a bit and the family was never really the same again.
  2. Seaside holidays in Rimini. My dad's from Italy and his sisters all lived in the Rimini/Riccione area on the Adriatic Riviera. We had holidays there when I was a kid. It was ace: 3 weeks with my cousins; down the beach every day; barbecues all the time; food that had never been heard of in the UK. Dad used to get me up at the crack of dawn and take me to the beach to see the sand getting raked and cleaned up, ready for the day. We'd stop off at the bakery on the way back to his sister's and buy fresh focaccia and other bread for the day, plus fresh prosciutto and stuff. We always wanted to go to the Fiabilandia funfair thing. All I can remember are the go-karts that were there, and giant King-Kong that was on display at the time of that crap film that was out in the 70s.
  3. The dressing up box. We had a box of clothes that we got dressed up in. There was a nurse, a fairtstory prince and a something else. There were lots of things and I think there was even a sequinned tu-tu. It was great fun and I'm sure my mum loved that fact that it kept us all relatively quiet for a while.
  4. Shaker-Maker and the Snow White jigsaw. Shaker Makers were ace. These things consisted of a variety of plastic molds, which formed the shape for a sort of plaster of paris mix that you shook up to mix. Once set, you hardened them in the airing cupboard and painted them with the stuff that was supplied. Messy excellence. The Snow White jigsaw was one of the worst episodes of my childhood. It was my favourtite puzzle, but it had to be given away to appease the local aggressive mongoloid who'd burst into the house and was threatening me by standing over me and shouting, "'Av y'go' any digdawdth? Wanna digdaw!!" It was very scary for a 4 year old.
  5. Summer. We had summers when I was a child, and summers lasted from the end of May till the end of September. You'd break up from school in July, disappear down the local woods for a couple of months, and go back in early September. It would have been baking hot and sunny constantly for the entire holiday. I can't remember much summer rain when I was a child.

Now, apparently, I've got to do some sort of tag thing? No idea what this means.

Lewies Blogs

An Online Diary Of Thoughts

Slightly Inperfect


Cakesniffers beware!

And people who won't participate will probably include:

Herge@Angry Chimp

Andy@Walls Come Tumbling

Ed@The Fridge

Rowan@How can it seem so right...

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