Saturday 18 June 2005


I'm still a bit suss about that PI Squared blog. Or perhaps intrigued is a better word for it.

I've not really been checking up on it that regularly, but there's something odd about it... more than something odd I suppose. It's supposed to be in America, the timestamp is American, but that's easily enough done. HOWEVER, the author uses English spellings for words. Sorry, I mean British English.

"also been round the neighbours i didn't get to interview before - they've given me nothing new, except one guy who reckons he saw the truck going up the road with his binoculars from his bedroom window."

This is consistent throughout the text. I also find it a bit odd that the first letter of a sentence isn't capitalised; why would this be?

Now, last time I mentioned my suspicions, I said that the PI squared blog had appeared at a time that coincided with visits to the Half an identity blog from a person who I suspect to be Sam Black - Half an identity's creator. It's interesting to note that the web traffic site meters have now been removed from Half an identity so it's not going to be possible to do this check again. Clever.

I just reckon the two blogs are written by the same person - Sam - who I said originally linked to another personal webpage where she wrote about her interests in creative writing and stuff.

It doesn't matter one bit, it's just interesting to do a little detective work of my own.

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