Sunday 1 May 2005

Weather with you

If you ever come to Manchester in the UK, do you think you could take the weather with you when you leave? The British climate is something like an alcoholic friend: you'd love to be able to rely on the weather, but you know in your heart of hearts that you can't.

At a time of year where most folk in the northern hemisphere are looking forward to hot, sunny days where you can plan for a day out or a barbecue a week or so in advance, we in the UK (well, the North West of England) have got this to look forward to until October (when it gets freezing and dark again):

Weather forecast summer 2005

"The weather forecast for Summer 2005 in Manchester will be overcast with a chance of showers and a high of 20°C" - click image to enlarge

So, on a day where I'd planned to go and do a hill because, up until 1am the weather forecast was for a bright and sunny day, we've got the heaviest sky imaginable and it's been pissing it down all morning. It's nice and warm though.

And the bastard line spacing has gone tits up again. Bollocks.

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