Tuesday 17 May 2005

A reprise

I'm a bit miffed that some of my best posts may have been missed because of the 4th Crusade of Sir Ryan de Belloc! Just to make sure you didn't miss anything during the "queers are cunts/catholics are cunts" debate, I'll recap on the best bits.

Firstly, there was my unwarranted, yet highly deserved attack on Sir Cliff Richard which was followed by another crushing defeat for Tim Henman in which he "showed his anger". I guess we need to see a bit more of TiGRRRRRRRRR Timmy.

I spouted off about an American colleague who's been giving me grief and was very creative in my totally crap post. It was here that some kind-hearted person suggested that I might have Asperger's Syndrome. If I have, then so be it, it's not going to kill me. And sorry to Wiggy if any of what I've said seems to be having a go at you, I appreciate your comment and your support. It's just that a colleague has also recently suggested that I'm slightly autistic and I'm rather sensitive about it.

You may also have missed news of my day out at the park. It was in the comments to this post that i told you of my Webshots photo gallery.

One of my finest moments came with the invention of the EMOTIBOARD, but you fucking luddites wouldn't know a good idea if it smacked you round the head.

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