Saturday 21 May 2005

Talcsniffers beware!

BBC NEWS World Asia-Pacific Powder mix-up fools sniffer dogs

This is great. Sniffer dogs in Australia somewhere are useless because they've only been trained to smell talcum powder and wouldn't know what cocaine was if somebody came up to them and offered them a kilo of charlie. Apparently, the bag they were sniffing was supposed to be cocaine, but it somehow got switched for talc.


I of course have great affinity for any being with "Sniffer" in its name; these poor beasts are now a laughing stock, but they're soooooooooooo cute. I could get one and train it to attack my parents every time they try to use talc! Although they'll probably just whine a bit and sit next to them (the dogs, not the parents, although my parents do whine and sit down a lot too).

Talcum powder is horrible it's one of things from your childhood that you assume has become extinct once you grow up. But no, it's still there and people still use it. I don't quite know what talcum powder is for - apart from making a mess all over the bathroom and making your skin feel all weird. In fact the feeling of talcum powder hands really goes through me; much in the same way as somebody scraping their fingernails down a blackboard does.

My parents still use it, but I honestly wouldn't know where to start. And wouldn't want to if push came to shove.

I need to fill up on caffeine before my brain wakes up properly. I don't even think I've managed to swear anywhere in this post. Tsk.

Talcum powder indeed!

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