Sunday 1 May 2005


I've set up a blogroll, which I've maturely called a "bogroll" (that's toilet paper to you Johnny or Jenny foreigners). I've no idea how these things work, but they're clever enough to know when a particular blog has been updated and it automatically sorts the roll so that the most recently updated blog floats to the top of the list.

I wasn't sure that it'd work, but it does. So, well done Blog Rolling.

You can become a member of an expanding, yet still exclusive club, by adding this fantastic blog to your own blog roll with a click of the "bogroll me" link that's floating around somewhere over in the side bar.

Bog roll
I'd die without this stuff. Readers who've been with Cakesniffers from the early days will know that I'm obsessed with my bowel movements (see Things you shouldn't like, but just can't help yourself. One of my not so much favourite as satisfying activities is doing big massive poos, but where would I be without something to wipe my substantial arse on? Up shit creek without my Andrex, that's where. I get really panicky when I'm down to the last roll in the house.

Not that I'm anally retentive or anything (hardly possible with my colon).

Bank holiday
The workers of the UK, and probably across a lot of the world, get a bank holiday tomorrow for May Day. What do people who don't work do? Do they just stay in bed all day, rather than getting up at dinnertime? ["dinnertime" = northern for "lunchtime"]

Of course May Day is some sort of weird Pagan festival too. Isn't it that one that's going on in the Wicker Man? I wonder what'd happen if I claimed to be a Pagan and burnt down my neighbours' house in the hope that it'd make my garden blossom... Probably wouldn't get away with it.

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