Friday 13 May 2005

Vicious little bastard

The other day, I submitted a post about people commenting on others' blogs with their own prejudiced and often bigotted views (see Blogging bigotry). I pointed out that I'd noticed somebody called Ryan J had commented on one of the librarian blogs with his insightful view that "homosexuality/lesbianism is unnatural" and pondered why somebody would do such a thing. I also tried to point out that Ryan J is probably a bit dim and that I'd essentially told him so in his own wonderfully interesting blog.

Cakesniffing commenters despaired with me at the intolerance of others.

For those of you who may not have noticed, I had a visitor. Here is what they had to say for themselves...

At 3:48 AM, stljumpster said...
If this link works, you can see that you are wrong, tina. ANYONE can comment on my blog.

Perhaps you should check out my profile, and you will see that you have made another error.

Also, I don't appreciate you committing libel against my reputation. Who the heck is Britney? I do have morals, and you basically saying that I am a pervert who "probably wanks himself off to Britney" is a boldfaced lie. Excuse me!? To do such an act would be a mortal sin.

If you have a problem about me saying that homosexuality/lesbianism is unnatural, then tell me why such a practice is natural.

Sincerely in Christ,

Ryan J.

"Sincerely in Christ". Jesus wept. I know plenty of Christians who'd wipe the floor with those who use Christianity (or their misinterpretation of it) to preach ignorance and hatred, but it's not worth the waste of energy. The thing is, attempting to argue with folk like Ryan only fuels them. It's best to ignore them and let them self-destruct in their own vile hatred.

Well, I have no intention of revisiting this little turd's profile or blog, but it wasn't allowing anonymous posts the other day - not that I'd have left one anonymously. I don't have any problem with anybody saying that homosexuality or lesbianism is unnatural; I quite understand that people are very sensitive about this sort of thing, but I firmly believe it is everybody's right to have and express an opinion (even if they're stupid and wrong). That is why we in Europe have recently commemorated VE Day, which is no better symbol of victory for freedom from bigotry, democracy and freedom of speech. What I do have a problem with is somebody seemingly purposefully cruising the gay blogs and injecting them with their poisonous remarks, particularly when somebody is clearly struggling with their sexuality and seeking solace in writing their thoughts when perhaps they have nobody to talk to about their concerns.

There is nothing unnatural about love, but I have no intention of stooping to his level to justify my or anybody else's sexuality to an insignificant nobody who doesn't even know who Britney is!

Oh, and thanks very much for the comments:

At 8:48 AM, Anonymous said...
Actually, Ryan J, I think a great many decent, broadminded, intelligent, don't have our head-up-our-arse human beings have a problem with your unsolicited comment.

What on earth does it have to do with you if someone you don't know happens to be gay, is clearly having a bit of a rough time getting used to that fact and is brave enough to type these thoughts to share with people who might actually be able to offer some support. Nobody forced you to intrude. Nobody rammed your head up to your monitor and forced you to read. Oh, don't tell me, you spend your time cruising the gay blogs tying to save people from themselves.

Your so-called Christian attitude is as far away from Christian as it is possible to be and it's morons like you that give genuine Christians a bad name. Love thy long as he/she isn't gay - something which isn't a disease, a threat, a confused state of mind, a possession by the devil, or even a choice.

People are just people. Like it or not we are all the same. Except you. You're a twat. May you burn in your own idea of hell for being such a bigotted little turd.

And another thing. If Heaven is full of self-rightous nobs like you, I'll happily take the elevator downwards thank you very much. Get a life that doesn't involve irritating other people's.

May God have mercy on your soul.


At 12:03 PM, Andy said...
Jesus H Christ on a bike. The Christian fundamentalists have even invaded the blogosphere.

Why the hell would he even bother having a snipe back? Surely he must know that all he'll get back is abuse.

And he needs to read up on his law. Libel? Did he not read the word "probably"?

Also, I don't recall "thou shalt not have a wank" anywhere in the Top Ten list of mortal sins, but then again I'm one of those horrible atheists.

So, lots of strong sentiments there. Feel free to comment if you like. If it wasn't so sad, it'd be funny.

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