Tuesday 17 May 2005

Don't be horrible to them, it's a SYNDROME

Well, there are a few poorly people knocking about this world; they have terrible disorders or syndromes. Some things come to mind, such as:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Asperger's Syndrome
  • Dyslexia
  • Prader-Willi Syndrome
  • Asthma

Let's examine each one in closer (Cakesniffer) detail, shall we?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
When I was a kid, there were children in my class at school who were naughty; they wouldn't do what the teacher said, they were crap in class, always pissed about. They were punished, appropriately and fairly, and they soon turned it around.

These days, there's no such thing as "naughty kids", no, they now have to officially have something wrong (ADHD) with them so as not to apportion blame on their rubbish parents. Fuck off! They're your kids: get off your arse, spend some time with YOUR children and teach them some discipline and respect.

Fucking idiot people being allowed to have even stupider bloody offspring. Take the kids off them and sterilise the parents.

Asperger's Syndrome
Just because a person doesn't like talking to idiots and likes to spend time on their own, and is clever, but is crap at some things, it doesn't mean they've got a fucking syndrome! It's just the way they are.

Bloody hell. Why do people always need to believe there's a problem with somebody just because the don't fit certain patterns? If it's not affecting their functioning, what difference does it make? Why does it help to have a name for combinations of personality traits?

I think much of it has to do with using people as fashion accessories, or perhaps the general population can't deal with genius, so they have to say that "geniuses" have something wrong with them.

Nobheads. Concentrate a bit more at school, look around you a bit more and you'll soon learn that it's much more interesting to watch and take in the world going by than it is listening to fucktards talking about last night's telly.

Soon, there'll be new syndromes for all sorts of people. I will officially have "Tina" syndrome, because it was first described in 30-odd year old woman called Tina with the same personality traits as me.

How many people who claim to have dyslexia are just too lazy to learn to read, write and spell properly?

Prader-Willi Syndrome
The following is a bit of background from the UK Prader-Willi Organisation's website...

"Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a chromosomal disorder, which can affect people of both sexes and of any race or country. Three Swiss doctors -Prader, Labhart and Willi - first described it in 1956.

"Some time between the age of one and four, children with PWS develop an increased interest in food, which may become an insatiable obsession. Unless their diet is carefully controlled weight gain can be very rapid, leading to obesity, disease and even an early death. The syndrome has many other characteristics, which result in a complex mixture of strengths and weaknesses. Not everyone with the syndrome is the same, some appearing less severely affected in some areas than others. "

Now, does everybody see the bold bits? The bold bits (with the exception of the first one) are all attributes that can be associated with morbid obesity and indeed, people with PW can become morbidly obese. However, by far the main reason for people becoming big fat bloaters isn't their genes, or their glands, or some stress, or depression. No, the main reason for people becoming lard-arses is because they eat too much and don't get any exercise!

Simple really. You eat tubs of butter for breakfast and fill your face with pasties, chips, pizza and curry - and drink loads of booze too - you're going to get fat.

This is one of my favourites: people who are really overweight and who smoke loads who claim to have asthma. I wonder if there'd be a miraculously recovery if they stopped smoking and lost weight?

Now, unless you're completely fucking stupid, you'll realise that I'm using these examples of disorders/syndromes/illnesses as examples of excuses some people use for being crap. People prefer to have a syndrome than admitting to being weak and pathetic, or to acknowledging their own responsibilities. In the UK, these people claim billions in benefits and free housing - because you get free housing and more benefits for being ill than you do if you're just a lazy, useless turd.

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