Monday 9 May 2005

Pile of shite

Manure tax hits UK farmers and stables
Would you believe this fucking government has introduced a tax on shit? They're charging a tax on anybody disposing of farmyard manure. You don't believe me? For a full breakdown, see this article from those people with horse-sense in Horse and Hound.

Thieving fucking bastards. Why is the electorate in this country so stupid? How could anybody with half a brain vote for this bunch of twats?

Can you make a fertiliser bomb out of manure? If so, you'd be tempted to make a huge, fuck-off one and sit Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and the rest of the incompetent wankers (and those who voted for them) on top of it. Tossers.

Pile of shite
Thank you all for your concerns about my bowels for my train tride to Lundinium tomorrow. I must be mad; I had spicy dahl and carrot soup with granary bread for my lunch today. Jeeeeezussss!

Updates on that one tomorrow evening if I make it back in one piece. But if there's news of a derailment at Stoke, it'll probably be something to do with me.

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