Wednesday 2 March 2005

Top ten

Here is a list of my (current) top ten yoghurts. In reverse order:

10. Danone activia rhubarb

9. Onken bio pot strawberry and wheatgerm

8. Rachel's organic low fat summer fruits

7. Muller light strawberry

6. Danone activia fruit layer prune

5. Muller fruit corner (blueberry)

4. Longley farm (any flavour, but especially botu-tastic hazlenut)

3. Yeo Valley organic strawberry collection (strawberry) - super full fat

2. Danone Shape Greek style (lemon)

Drrrrrrrrrrrrrum rrrrollllllll.......

1. Muller vitality low fat pineapple

This stuff is fuckin' delish and I could eat it by the bucket load.

Apart from today though; my guts are giving me terrible trouble today. This could be due to: a) eating priobiotic yoghurt by the bucket load, or b) touching pooey door handles at work where people haven't been able to wash their hands after using the toilet because of the interrupted water supply. Today I started at number 5 on the Bristol Stool Score and have descended to 6/7 foaminess. My guts hurt quite a lot too. Oh woe is me.

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