Friday 25 March 2005

Lock 'em all up!

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Angry Chimp says: "For an alternative perspective on modern youth, be sure and read the well researched and balanced article at Cakesniffers entitled ‘Lock ‘em all up!’"

Fucking kids are all a bunch of complete shits and they all need locking up from the age of about 3 to 20 - along with their useless shitbag parents!

There's a blank post from yesterday evening (below). I was going to post some amusing anecdote about something or other, but I was so incensed by something that had happened that I just shut down and went to bed.

As I'd gone to close the gate over our drive, I noticed that some little darlings had left a huge trolley from the local DIY centre parked across it, so I dutifully took it back to where it belonged, seething as I went.

On walking back to the house, I noticed three charmingly-attired young girls walking up the road, sniggering to themselves, whispering loudly enough so I could hear "That's her that walks the cat, here pussy, pussy". You see, Max often follows folk around and likes go for a wander with his people; it's a little odd, but nobody's hurt by this, nobody's affected by it, it's nobody's fucking business to tell you the truth - if he was a dog, would it be an issue? No. But one of these little bitches decided to make some comment about it one evening last summer and I lost my rag. For some reason, she's so upset by my cat following me around, that she's still going on about it in front of her friends now - I wonder what she'd say if she was on her own??? So, as they walked up the street last night, all wearing yeti boots and mini skirts - 13 year olds, dressed as whores, she decided to make comment AGAIN. I told her to fuck off. She said something else, I turned back to say "What?" and they ran off, scared of me. Scared of me? Tempting as it was to get in my car, pursue them and mow them down, I resisted and came inside to seeth for a while before going to bed.

The next time I see her, I shall ask if she'd like to discuss what she finds so upsetting about Max following me around, whether she'd be worried about this so much if she didn't have her clones with her, why it's any concern of hers, and why I should give a flying fuck what some 13 year old braindead prostitute thinks of me anyway.

But why can't these unruly little shits leave people alone? What would happen if a bunch of 25-to-30 somethings hung around the streets and started making comments about them and laughing at their ridiculous outfits? I'd like to see that. Unfortunately, most of the 25-to-30 somethings are the parents of these little bastards and they're probably far too busy down the boozer or shagging their latest boyfriends to care what their little angels are up to.

One solution that I'm particularly keen on is for local councils to employ a team of childcatchers who can lock these little fuckers up until they learn some fucking respect!

I ain't even bothered. Face. Bothered? Ask me if I'm bothered. Yeah, I well and truly bothered.

On a lighter note, today is hot cross bun day and I haven't been disappointed with the fayre offered by Hampsons ("So fresh we're famous"). Never heard of Hampsons? You will do, they're very fresh. They're so fresh and famous that they even had to change their name over in Merseyside, where they're known as Sayers.

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