Tuesday 15 March 2005

Feed me!

Well, I haven't got the faintest idea what a feed is, but there's one associated with this blog. If somebody can enlighten me as to what a feed is and atoms and RSS and XMLs and things, I'll be very grateful. The only thing I know about feeding is to do with food going into my tummy - obviously food that is prepared properly and fits criteria laid down in a previous post.

Went to Fat Fighters tonight; I worked myself so hard that at one point I almost had liver coming up through my nose, and I'm not talking about the liver I had for my tea. Liver for tea????? Yeah, and there was black pudding too, it was fuckin' delish!

Sitting around
Again, there were a lot of people at the gym, just sitting on machines staring into space. I could throttle them! Do your reps and fuck off so somebody else can use the bloody thing, you selfish twat! Jeez, some people eh? It could be worth conducting a survey to assess what exactly they're thinking about. Nothing most probably by the look of them - they don't seem to have much going on between their ears.

Buses do my head in
Stupid things. You give up half the width of the road to them and they still insist on blocking the bits for other vehicles. Hardly fair is it? Then you get the leftie greenies saying that there's too much congestion and we need more bus lanes and buses. I'm sorry, but from where I'm sat, it's the fact that you've reduced road capacity by introducing bus lanes that's caused the congestion in the first place. If you take a two-lane stretch of road, then reduce its width to one lane, then that means the traffic has to occupy a longer stretch of road. It's not rocket science - of course it's not rocket science, rocket science is about putting things in space, this is about poor bastards trying to get home from work, but heing blocked by fuckwit town and road planners. On my way home through Central Manchester this afternoon, there was a stretch of Oxford Road with about 10-15 buses, all vying for road position and blocking the entire route for the rest of the traffic. It's the buses that are a major contributor to congestion, believe me. It'd take a bloody retard not to see it.


Sonny the cat has got all but one whisker white - the rogue one is jet black. Wonder what noise he'd make if I pulled it out. Sonny is the one that keeps me company by prowling backwards and forwards across my desk - constantly, over and over again. He purrs all the time too and is very neurotic. He's ginger and he knows it.

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