Saturday 13 August 2005

Slovenly Saturday

Today is Saturday and I'm not working. Tomorrow is Sunday and I will be wrkign. Because of this, and the fact that I'm perpetually knakcerked, I'm going to take things very easy today. So much so, that I don't think I'll bother getting dressed, or washed for that matter.

Today I inted to be as lazy as possible, right down to not correcting typos or spelling meistaks I as I compose blog posts.

And this is an interesting experiment,. Not being trained a trained tupist, I tend to havet o to correct use my backspace key quite a bit, the woerd autocrorrect thing is great - uless it's set to american Englaih . Obviouslty, Bloogger sodoesn't have this utlity, so you generallty have to watch what you're doing and make quite a cfew corrections as tyou tippy-tappy away at the keyboard.

owNow, not correctiong things that are mistyped is almost impossible. It's the same as not striaightnening papers prior to stapling them. Looking ofver this text as I type is cayusing my blood pressure to rise because I really I am fighting the urge to go back over it and correct the mistakes that have krept in. crept in. At one place of work, a lot of "send to all" e-,mails are sent out , via Outlook, which are written very much in the style of this post. The sender simply types the message, igrnoes all the typeos and spelling mistakes and hits "send". How fucking rude is that? How unprofessional is that? If i ver met this person, I'd urely like to give them a godo hard kick up the boobum with an iopen-toed sandal.

So this is how things are in a world without the backpspace key and cursor controls. Pretty much like real life really.

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