Monday 15 August 2005

Motoring mismatch again and again

It's just WRONG
Some things are just not right: there are lots of really nice-looking cars on the road, cars that - because of your own prejudices - you associate with certain people.

For example, imagine seeing any of these vehicles:

Being driven by any of these people:

It's just not right. It's basically very wrong to the point that it makes me tut and shake my head at the drivers. That'll tell 'em!

This says more about me than it does about them, but people of a perceived social background, age, occupation, sex or even weight just don't look good or even right in certain cars. In fact, the only vehicles some people would look good in are bendi-buses, herses and ambulances.

What really pisses me off is when I pass the disabled parking bays near the entrance to a shop, that are occupied with brand new, MASSIVE four wheel drives and people carriers - this is usually after driving round for a bit and eventually parking at furthest point and walking to shop in a downpour. I'm sorry, but if you're disabled and can't work a) how come you can afford such a nice new motor, and b) if you're disabled, how the fuck do climb up to get into one of those things?

Jealousy? To some extent I suppose, but more annoyance at paying taxes that fund other people's luxuries when I have nothing to treat myself with after I've paid all my bills.

Not that I'm fussed about being able to park right near the entrance to a shop; it's just that a lot of people "with disabilities" who you see jumping in and out of these huge vehicles appear to have fuck all wrong with them.

And then there are "parent with child" spaces. FUCK RIGHT OFF!

The UK's retail industry is bending over backwards to help parents with children to such an extent that its spine must surely be at breaking point. It's got to the stage now that, at most supermarkets, there are only a couple of rows of parking bays left for able-bodied, childless people - and these bays are usually full of shopping trollies where the lazy fucker parents dump theirs because they can't be arsed to walk all the way to the trolly park.

There have been occasions when the entrance to Asda (Walmart-owned UK supermarket chain for scumbags) car park has been gridlocked because of fucktards in people carriers queuing up and waiting for parent with child spaces near the store front to become vacant when the rest of the car park has been empty. They're just too fucking lazy, stupid and inconsiderate to walk the extra 15 seconds to the bloody shop.

"But it's really difficult with all the kids and their carry cots and stuff". My response to this is a) generations of parents coped before people had cars let alone people carriers, before all these dedicated spaces, etc, etc, etc and b) if it's so fucking difficult, why the fuck have you got 4 of the little bastards (all the girls wearing pink of course)? Surely you'd have known it was hard after the first two!

Stupid, selfish wankers.

Pious parents
Of course, one of the great many things about our population of pampered parents is their sense of right and wrong.

It's completely unacceptable for women to drive their kids the half mile to school in a four wheel drive, but it's absolutely essential for them to do the same journey with their precious little darlings in an equally large people carrier.

The things you see when you haven't got a rocket launcher

Fucktard, wanking tosspots. They should all be sterlised and their kids taken into St Cakesniffer's Academy for Social Modelling & Pickle Research Centre.

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