Saturday 20 August 2005

Return of the Consumer Champion Cakesniffer

With our economy being bolstered by retail, finance and service industries, competing companies simply must provide excellent customer service, or they'll go under.

Most people quite rightly hate being treated like spastics by complete numpties who are incapable of having a person-to-person conversation, insisting instead on reading the script from whatever their computer algorithm tells them is the truth.

It's very easy to complain about poor customer service, as I have done in the earlier days of Cakesniffing.

Following on from this terrible and life-changing experience with the complete wankers at GE Capital bank, I decided to test customer services departments of a number of companies. I only managed the one, with a query to a bakery chain about their strange choice in coating for ring doughnuts (glazed, as opposed to granulated sugar, would you believe?) and was satisfied that not all customer services teams are staffed by useless fuckwit retards whose degrees in politics, humanities or media studies got them exactly where we could've told them they'd be before they wasted 3 years and got £20,000 into debt.

Having experienced a bit of a delay and some confusion about the status of an order from Amazon UK, I am reassured that word of my campaign for better customer support seems to have been spreading after my previous dealings with finance cunts and sticky bakeries: Amazon have got it sorted. Despite having to negotiate a near impossible maze of menus to get to e-mail somebody (makes the final level of Doom, where you're up against the big fast monster, seem like childsplay), the response you get is pretty good. As a result, I got my new camera for a tenner cheaper than the list price PLUS I was given a £7.50 voucher because of the mither.

And it arrived today...

The Canon Powershot S2 IS.

Canon S2IS

It's not too pretty, but it's bloody clever!

Otto told me to fuck off when he saw me get it out:

Fuck off with that you twat

I took a photo of myself with my old camera with it:

New camera Sniffer

Ho, ho, ho, this girl knows how to have a good time!

And, it's got a mad zoom on it (12x optical) that can see tiny things from far away as if they're close to (that being what a zoom does):

They're coming to peck my eyes out

So no doubt there's lots of fun ahead.

Talking of fun. Watching The L Word earlier, it was interesting to note that some women were pronouncing that fantastic, Anglo-Saxon word "twat" as "twot". Come on then, come clean. Is there anybody out there who pronounces twat as twot? It sounds much better and much more cutting as TWATT, don't you think?

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