Friday 19 August 2005

Houseplant Big Brother: The eviction

Following Cakesniffers' introduction to the contestants in the 2005 Houseplant Big Brother competition, tensions were running high in houseplant land when the votes came in for the eviction of one of the sorry examples of domestic foliage.

Houseplant big brother
Fucking pathetic, the lot of them

Well, the votes are in and the evictee from the house of plants is HOUSEMATE 5: Spider plant 3, or "Spider", as it had become affectionately known during its stay in the house.


Over the past few weeks, Spiderplant 3 had become one of the more popular housemates amongst the rest of the contestants, often acting as counsellor for the peace lilly and weeping fig. I spent all day trying to avoid telling this contestant the bad news, I knew I had to do it, but turning round and facing up to the responsibility was difficult.

Such a dilemma
Sniffy dilemma

Will you tell them?
Will you break the bad news for me?

Nonetheless, it got booted out and andtransported up here to Trillionland to start its new life. With publicist Max Clifford taking charge, it's going to be all change for this special housemate as it embarks on a new career as a glamour model for fortnightly magazine, "Which Houseplant". Max wasn't at all purturbed by the obvious heavily gravid nature of Spider, "Hey, it's the pregnant ones that bring in the most cash", he quipped when questioned.

Fair enough then.

So, onto the first photoshoot for Spider and straight into the watersports. Just look at that natural charisma in front of the lens - WLEO: Cameras and Spider!

Pimp my spiderplant
Loving that spray!

Nice work, Spider, you've surprised a lot of people.

Next up: Spider gives birth.

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