Thursday 22 December 2005

What has become of me?

I have just ordered a legitimate copy of Office XP.

After years of using not-exactly-legal software, this will mean that my home PC has legitimate copies of all the software that I use.

What does this mean for me? What have I become?

Let's face it, there's no way on earth I'd have ordered it a its real price (something in excess of £200). However, Microsoft have this home use programme whereby certain people who use their products at work, can buy the same stuff for home use at a HUGE discount. They seem to have done a deal with the NHS and this means that I've just ordered it for £17.

It appears that working for the NHS does have its advantages afterall.

But there are many disadvantages, one of which that seems to have paralysed the NHS's human resources function (and workforce) for the past 18 months is something called "Agenda for Change". This is supposed to be a fair and transparent way of working out how much people should be paid and documenting what they need to do and what skills people need to perform their jobs. It's a load of bollocks that is basically a cost-cutting excercise whereby anybody in a non-clinical role is downgraded.

The people here were graded a couple of weeks ago, clearly not their satisfaction, since the conversation for the first three hours of every single day revolves around agenda for change. "We do this, we do that, we're dead busy". Obviously very busy if you can take half a day to constantly moan on about this and then kick off again the following day, and the one after that.

Of course, it's all a big conspiracy that's been led by the Evil Empire at the main hospital of the Trust, Base 2b. Nothing to do with the fact that the entire system is totally shambolic and that everyone in the NHS is being shafted by the government - again.

Those fucking bastardswho stole Toga the penguin chick from a zoo want their fucking heads ripping off, preferably by a tiger. Toga was too young to be separated from its mother and needed a special diet. Its parents have been pining for it since its theft at the weekend and now it appears its body may have turned up in a carrier bag.

Why would anybody do that?

Fucking bastards. I hope they endure very slow and painful deaths. I generally hate people, and much prefer animals and it gets me so upset and angry when I hear about this sort of thing.

When I win the lottery, I'm going to set up and run a sanctury for abused animals. I will also fund a programme of work to hire assassins to kill any fucker who is found guilty of animal cruelty. It won't be a quick death. I will, of course, burn their houses down too.

Some good new though. I was very pleased to learn of the mugger in South Africa who hid in a zoo's tiger compound to evade capture from police. He was mauled to death instead.


Merry Christmas and God bless us, everyone!


Anonymous said...

I'm sick to the back teeth of AFC how dare you mention it when I'm off on holidays!

Thats completely ruined my festive season. Thanks.

The Irish lottery have an advert with a young woman stating that she would like to do exactly what you said.

It then says, "Play Lotto so she doesn't win."

Anonymous said...

Nice reference to it's a wonderful life - unless of course it wasn't.

Anonymous said...

NHS staff were promised a fair wage in 1988 when "clinical grading" was announced - that didn't work. Reviews keep getting promised - and we foolishly believe it. There are much better jobs outside the NHS - clinical and other!
Why not join the RSPCA? They campaign against animal abuse - and prosecute people who abuse. They also educate, advise and help people on care of animals. If you work as a volunteer at a sheleter you even get to care for the abused animals & regain their trust.
(and I'll willingly help you fund the assassins guild!!!)

Anonymous said...

You've discovered Microsoft's dirty little secret. I worked for them one summer back when Office 97 was just released and I got more free software from them ... not as part of my pay, but just because I showed up for work on time, for God's sake. That was when I became severely disillusioned about how much it really costs to make software. Pirated software does not bother me as much as it might have at one time.

Anonymous said...

Agenda for change will mean that paramedics and the poor sods on the front line will get paid a fair wage for getting bottles thrown at them.

I do Patient Transport at weekends for the Ambulance Service (for free, via St John) and the salary for shuttling ill people around and having old 'uns die on you is £11,000 pa.

Anyway T, I thought you just sat and blogged?
Not like us in the Education Department who actually work in between surfing the web...

Anonymous said...

Well, I used to be very motivated and enthusiastic and all I got in return was a huge shafting, so then I figured, What the fuck, why should I bother? I now do what it says in my job description. Fuck em,they don't deserve any decent staff.

Anonymous said...

I've got my own agenda and it's basically based on how much I get paid.

As for the penguin snatcher - fucker.

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