Wednesday 14 December 2005

Sniffy Advent: Day, the fourteenth

Oh tanenbaum....

Yep, the tree is up.

Tree 2005

The rest of the decs get sorted today I reckon.

It's now that the serious business of Christmas begins. There's only one weekend left to get things sorted and then we can start to relax and enjoy the festivities....

....Or can we?

One thing about the Christmas decorations being up is that you soon get used to them. It's somehow very comforting to have the room semi-lit by the twinkling lights on the tree and the odd candle. Shame about the TV ALWAYS being on to add to the ambience.

The tree, the baubles, the lights. All are very attractive and you can find yourself getting hypnotised as you study the patterns as the lights chase, fade, twinkle. You search to see whether a particular tree decoration has survived yet another year. Yep, there it is, the pom-pom snowman you made when you were nine.

Gallows snowman

Oh yes, and that lantern thing that Mother claims to have had in her family home when her folks were still alive. Each year, there are new additions, but the original decorations from way back are always the favourites.

The newer ones are there to act as decoys, sort of sacrificial lambs to the slaughter as they become victim to Otto's wild desire to seek and destroy all that dangles. Otto loves the tree, he likes to climb it, knock things off it, hide under it. When it's a bit nippy for him to go outside, we bring the outdoors in for him! From now until the 6th of January, Otto is not allowed unsupervised access to the living room.

It's odd that the other cats' reactions have always been bemused boredom when they realise that the stupid thing has reappeared in the corner of the room. The others just ignore it.

Still, these things all add to the fun. By the evening, the picture will be complete: the tree will be surrounded by presents that I've wrapped and the remaining decorations will have been placed strategically around the house (thrown wherever we can be bothered to chuck em).

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