Wednesday 7 December 2005

Sniffy Advent: Day, the seventh

"Can you all sort out who is working between Christmas and New Year to make sure that the office is covered during that period? Bear in mind that people with young families will probably want the time off, so try to be fair."




I take my holidays when I want. I never, ever work a) on my birthday and b) between Christmas and New Year.

I don't give a shit whether some twat wants that time off. These bastards are off all fucking year anyway for frigging sports days, or Mother's Day assembly, or Nativity plays (and every day when their little angels are sick) and it's us who are left covering for them then too. If they think they're going to have preference over me when it comes to Christmas holidays, they can go fuck 'emselves. Selfish fuckers.

It doesn't come into that hugely popular single folk, such as myself, might have friends in other parts of the country who they don't get to see that often and that Christmas is one of the times when we actually get to have a good break together. What about people who don't have kids, but have older rellies who they'd like to spend that time with before they depart this cold, cold earth?

These twats with kids get to see their little parasites every frigging day anyway, so why do they need more time off over Christmas to be with them? Do they need that time to play yet another game of Buckaroo, to watch "The Little Mermaid", or whichever Disney shite is this year's must have, to spend the time screaming at them to be quiet and stop mithering? Or perhaps they need that time so they can drag the little uns round to all the friends and rellies, to see what their demanding little paws can grab in presents from people who can ill-afford to be spending out for other people's children.

Of course, I blame the employers: all work except essential services should shut down between Christmas and New Year. Simple as that.

A post script about Christmas cards
Some bright spark at Base 1 has suggested that people who want to can put their name to a list of those who won't be sending Christmas cards, but would like to give the money to charity instead. People say who they are and write down their favoured charity and the most popular charity gets the loot.

The soothsayer in me sees trouble ahead: great discord and friction between those who want to give the cash to children's charities, breast cancer research, heart disease research. Why couldn't they just send a fucking card? Or keep their stupid ideas to themselves and just not send one?


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