Monday 5 December 2005


Right, some points of clarification are clearly (!) needed, since some of you can't read simple English!

Firstly, the charity motorbike toy run is Saturday 10th December. The ride I had on this Friday just gone was a practice to see if I could handle being on a motorbike.

Secondly, the cake cannot be iced until the week before Christmas because it needs a couple of doses of brandy before then. I will photograph this process in its entirity, including the addition of the comedy plastic snowmen, reindeer and ribbon. I'm tempted to use Rudolph Buckaroo as a cake decoration for added entertainment when mum tries to cut the thing after a few sherries. Sort of booby trap it so it explodes if you struggle too hard with the icing.

Thirdly, errrm supermarkets are utter bastards.

Fourthly, the songs!

OK, the first one continues...

"....Oh yeah,
Oh yeah, you got to get it right.

You can do anything that you want to do,
Put your mind, body and soul to it
Prove it to yourself and say
I want (I want)
I will (I will)
I can do anything

It's a difficult world and you've got to prove
That you're ready and you can do it
Nothing in this world can stop you
I know
I can
I will fulfil my dream

Don't stop movin'
Keep it up
Keep on groovin'
Get it right
You got to get it right
Don't stop movin'
Dance your life
Keep on groovin'
Get it right,
You got to get it right..."

and so on

This was, of course, Living Joy's Don't stop moving, which is right up there with Alison Limerick's Where love lives in the dance classics hall of fame. If you don't know Alison Limerick's Where love lives, then you've probably never heard of Living Joy's Keep on moving either. Shame.

The second song:

"'Bah Humbug!', no that's too strong
'Cause it's my favourite holiday"

Was indeed Christmas Wrapping, but the British spelling should've given it away that this was the Spice Girls version and not the original by The Waitresses. Soz. But, as Living Joy tell us: You got to get it right! Oooh, I'm such a trickster, trickster.

Sixthly, my docs are NOT girls' docs. They are proper Docs and I have the blisters to prove it. I can assure you that the ankle padding is for decoration, it serves no purpose in protecting the wearer's lower legs.

Seventhly, something even more appetising coming up for Day 6 of the Sniffy Advent (tomorrow, obviously, it's not like I'm writing these and just posting them at midnight or anything).

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