Saturday 17 December 2005

Compliments of the season

I don't often get the opportunity to say thanks to those readers who don't comment here, but who send complimentary e-mails. So a big thank you to everyone who has done so and all who have taken the time to comment here too.

I'm not going to mention any names, but these e-mails came through over the past couple of days and they really made me laugh so I thought they deserved a mention. Hope the senders don't mind.

You are very entertaining. Read your blog every day. Makes my day.
Is it an effort to be irascible?
Truly 42 and no bra?
Really a dyke?
Keep up the work, really appreciated..

Thank you!
  1. I'd prefer to be milder mannered but people are such utter fuckwits who get right on my tits that I can't help myself. So no, being irascible is no effort at all.
  2. Thirty five with a very good bra.
  3. I'm really rather queer, yes. Although I do prefer saying that I'm gay or queer rather than I'm a lesbian or dyke. I'm just me and I happen to be gay; it's probably the least important thing about me.
And another one:


I just thought I'd drop an e-mail and stop lurking - this is genuinely one of the best blogs around! And now I'm part of a horde... chuffing ace. I think.

Keep it up! And yes, why the hell should we put ourselves out for someone who *willingly* creates their own germ factories, snot-ridden vermin that they are.... erm, end of rant!

I actually thought this one was spam till I read it a few times and then when I realised it was for real, it really warmed me.

Talking of warming me, I took myself up my favourite hill this afternoon - accompanied by my darling sister because I love nothing more than incessant whinging while I'm trying to be at peace. Jesus, she doesn't half go on. I'd told her not to bother if she wasn't particularly keen on the idea, but she came and went strolling off ahead of me, then just sat around while I wandered off looking for a moon that didn't arrive. I suppose I can give her the concession that she was in pain due to a recently dislocated shoulder (shame it wasn't her fucking neck!) and that she's generally a miserable and ratty cunt.

But anyway, it was fucking freezing up there and I could've done with a flask of coffee to keep me warm. And why does your nose drip when you're cold? I don't get that.

Here are some photos:

Manchester skyline
Manchester skyline

Anna at the Peel Monument
Anna at the Peel Monument


Icy bog water

North Wales hills

More gee-gees
Cardboard cutout gee-gees

Whatever I said, whatever I did, I didn't mean it...
I don't know why, but I fancied the idea of going to see Take That on their reunion tour next summer. I was never a huge fan of theirs when they were at their peak ten or so years ago, but their music was OK. I obviously wasn't that bothered because I forgot to phone the ticket hotline when the tickets for an extra date went on sale yesterday morning. I thought I'd missed my chance, but it transpires that my sister, who I love dearly, is going with some friends and they have an extra ticket, which now has my name on it.

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