Sunday 11 December 2005

Sniffy Advent: Day the eleventh

A confusion of orange
Back when I were a lad, we were grateful if all we got for Christmas were an orange and a bag of nuts.

Traditionally, winter is orange season and it's at this time of year that you can get hold of some really good quality orange-coloured citrus fruit. Of particular note is the availabilty of the smaller variety of orangey things: tangerines; clementines and satsumas.

For some reason, you don't hear of tangerines anymore. This is a shame. As children, we'd always be given tangerines with our school dinners - much easier to peel than normal oranges, with a slightly sweeter flavour, these things were a real good treat for us all.


As I mentioned, you just don't hear of tangerines anymore. Instead, we get "satsumas", which I suspect are tangerines, but with a new name. Here are some satsumas in a particularly grotty kitchen:


Tangerines/satsumas are noted for their sweet yet deliciously sharp flavour and their wonderfully saggy skin that makes them a dream to peel. Moreover, they're generally seedless, so they're winners all round.

Unlike clementines. Clementines are rubbish fruits. They are too small, their skins are so tight that they're impossible to peel and they taste too sweet.


However, they're a very attractive crop because you get a huge yield per acre and the Spanish farmers are rapidly favouring clementines over tangerumas. British retailers are having to beg Spanish farmers to keep producing the crop that we in the UK favour.

Fucking Spanish, ruining our Christmas.


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